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I Believe

As a child my imagination glittered

All is fair and easy, nothing feared

I believe fairy tales, dreams come true

Someday I’ll live happily ever after, too.

I count the years one after another

Can’t deny that things get harder

I still believe tomorrow there’s hope

With it in my heart I can cope

I believe angels really are sent

To kindle one’s heart totally spent

I believe amidst struggle and pain

There lies a beauty that will remain

Now as I go through life’s tests

Full of emptiness, things I detest

I’ll always believe in One who listens

One who loves me and truly cares

I believe someone walks with me

Throughout life has been there for me

I believe He prepared a place for me

Chaste and true, filled with glee

One day He’ll teach me how to fly

Soar like an eagle in the sky

Until I enter into eternal slumber

In my savior’s arms I’ll lay forever.

Written by the Author in April of 2002

©Naneth Ang 2021, All Rights Reserved

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