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DIY Barbie Bed 2.0

(This will be the first Installment of my DIY Barbie 3-Story Doll House Series. Since I made one years ago, this would serve as a revamped bed, hence 2.0.)


It started with a shoe box. I fondly remember when I was a little girl, I built a doll house made out of boxes, scrap fabric, some art paper or just about anything i find useful lying around. My barbie doll 'enjoyed' it then, now I bet my little girl's dolls would, too...10 notches higher ;) Spent absolutely nothing. Just things I've been keeping in my 'treasure trove' for years!

Barbie Bed 1.0 This was how the doll bed looked like when I made it for my daughter back in 2013. It has gone a bit dirty and worn out with the years. I kept most of the key components and did the revamp.

Barbie Bed 2.0 Now, check out the following illustrations for a quick step-by-step on how the new DIY doll bed was made:

The finished product:

Oh look! Barbie is ready for bed. Sweet dreams, Barbie...

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