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Earth Day vibes anyone?

I took this photo during a sojourn in the Quezon Province, Philippines. It captured the serenity and awe the dawn brought me. Got me thinking why others need Earth Day to notice nature. Earth Day is an annual event to show support for environmental preservation and disseminate helpful ways to mitigate degradation of natural resources. Or are we really? Pardon the digression now. But wait, there’s more! e.g. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents Day, and the most anticipated, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. There are even ailment awareness days. Have you heard about Cancer Prevention Month, World TB Day or World AIDS Day? The list goes on. I often wondered why these “days” should be commemorated on a random or given date prescribed most resembling the time when it came to be or in reference to some pagan ritual of old. Are they just a bunch of gimmick on the consumer market? A capitalist scheme so companies can take advantage for us to spend on things we don’t really need, just because. In the case of the other category, well, just so lawmakers can say they made a contribution to their constituents, with a law. In this digital age we’re in, greeting each other on social media, posting memes and messages, sharing images and quotes about the day. Others without even having the experience of being in the essence of the celebration are popular norms. Not saying all, but many are just to be in with the crowd or just for show. More often, accordance or none thereof only sows envy and contempt if our expectations for a said event was met with disappointment. Comparisons are common when everyone around is like this or like that, when we really can’t tell what’s happening IRL. It’s easy to idealize with all the propaganda around which can really be misleading and sometimes, destructive. Not being bitter here, but shouldn’t we just make the most of our every day on Earth? Honoring our elders, especially our parents every day or every chance we have. The simple gesture of not raising our voice to them or listening to their wisdom is pure respect. Showing love is never synonymous to flowers and chocolates, fancy dates or expensive gifts. It’s what’s really inside and the deeds you do for them that cannot be equated with money that matter. And this encompasses every kind of relationship there is. Won’t generosity and sharing be a nice idea all year round? Shouldn’t it be daily reason enough to be thankful for still breathing oxygen or having the simplest blessings in life? Why only give love on Christmas Day? Then there’s our one and only Earth. We all know the drill since we were in preschool. All it takes is real concern. Change our behavior with day to day acts of concern for Mother Nature. Each concerned gesture from every human being would ultimately create a ripple effect that can greatly impact the future of our world. And just maybe, ailments won’t agitate as much, along with proper diet and lifestyle. We need to act like it, not only on A day. Now more than ever after nature already made us experience this pandemic. We should not go back to normal, which is really not normal. Normal is not greed, inequality, hate nor confusion. We are given the opportunity to turn a new leaf. Okay, I’m one idealistic bitch, but shouldn’t we all?

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