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The Fire in Me (feat. the Puerto Galera Sunset)

That fiery glow across the horizon, the amazing spectacle unfolding before my eyes...scenes that truly inspire.

It may be dusk in mine, but knowing another dawn makes its way to bring hope to the other side is reason enough. It may be minutes before my day closes, yet it promises another.

It just makes my heart flutter with warmth and ponder.

The way He doesn't grow tired of reminding me of my worth even if I've given up on myself. The feeling is like nudging me to try a little bit more. Hope a little bit more. Pray about it a little more. Believe in that kind of magic just a little bit more.

But then again, it's really just me still kindling that little faith. Kindle it as it blazes. Become the fire again. Not with the intensity that consumes to embers, just enough that no amount of odds can extinguish my glow. #life #live #awed #blessed #thoughts #faith #hope #love #nature #sea #sky #travel #sights #wanderlust #justmoi #simplepleasures #DGXblogs

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