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Just my thoughts: On relationships

People come and go in our lives. The moment we become attached is the time we don’t want to be without them. But sometimes everything is not entirely in our hands. We cannot just pull the strings to bid them as we please. It just boils down to how much losing us would mean to them, and how far to the ends of the earth it takes to win us time and again. Bad weathers do come, and sometimes when it rains, well, it pours. Those are part of relationships, we have different identities, views and aspirations. I think we do not need people who would not argue with us, neither those who won’t make us mad nor sad. What matters is that there would always be a sliver lining, because they will stand by us to take those tears away and hold us close after a fight. Letting go would be the last thing they will ever do. It’s not all sunshine, but they would always choose to stay, and stay true. However how hard situations get. It would be such a gratifying feeling to be loved at our worst and weakest. And then, we do the same for them. Because we both feel that being without the other will be the scariest part of it all. What do you think?

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