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My Hero

Papa and me at sunrise

I intended this birthday post to have a photo of me taken today in a nature-y setting preceeded with some melodramatic rhetoric of years passed. As they say, (another) life begins.

Today, 40 years ago, I celebrated life. A life that would not be possible without this man. This man whose selfless dedication to his family is incomparable to nobody I've ever known.

A stubborn hardworker even on weekends and holidays, but still found time for his family in his own very special way.

He loved books. My childhood and teenage years was packed with him sharing what he read. I especially loved and read cover to cover his hard bound 'The Firelight Book' from Reader's Digest when I was a kid. I fondly remember how he narrated Roald Dahl's 'Fantastic Mr Fox' in one of our story-telling sessions, it has now become a movie.

He loved McGyver, the comedy sitcom 'Perfect Strangers' and the then not yet famous Bruce Willis on 'Moonlighting.' There's also Jacky Chan and James Bond franchises. A music fan, particularly the Beatles, Frank Sinatra and a fascination with Queen.

He was my walking dictionary. Full of knowledge and trivia. My mathematics tutor. Having kids of my own, I constantly tell them with pride, that this man worked his way from high school to college, supported his family and a 1st honor student at that.

He spanked me only once in my life when I got lost in a mall. Maybe out of worry. But then opened a can of fruit cocktail and offered me afterwards.

He may not be vocal nor showy, but he was always, always thoughtful. Even when we have all grown up. My son loves wearing jackets. This man told him that he will gift him with a jacket this Christmas. Alas! he already bought that jacket and told his wife, "this is for Co-co (his pet name for Ico)."

I have always looked up to this man as my hero. Now my saint.

I call this man "PAPA."

PS. "The Man" is Nelson B. Ang. March 12, 1954 to November 9, 2020 and in my mind and heart in this life and the next.

PPS. In retrospect, with all these and much more fond memories, I am indeed my father's daughter. And the photo is me in my hero's arms in a nature-y setting taken forty years ago preceeded with some melodramatic rhetoric of years passed. Never thought I would be doing a eulogy instead. #Life #living #cestlavie #DGXblogs

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