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Circa 80's and Today

It’s been more or less a month in quarantine, frankly, I’m losing track of what the date is already. And what better time to revisit old photo albums. Looking at these legit old photos without the filters of today’s cameras and let nostalgia kick in. Days gone by that were a lot simpler. Days when kids go out, visit a park or like in this case, my cousin and I enjoying our time in the old Manila Zoo. Such innocence and candidness. That’s me in the dress btw, with a giraffe on the background apparently uninterested in having its photo taken with us. I remember weekends when we would go around town with the family and close relatives. Rizal Park, fondly called Luneta, the Cultural Center of the Philippines’ grounds, Fort Santiago, and the huge but now defunct Nayong Pilipino Park were regular spots. They are really priceless memories when people really bond and spend leisure and recreation time the organic way. People hanging out, spending time with each other is way cooler than today’s era when people still do hang out, but they’re busy with their smartphones, and malls are the go to places. And most of all, aren’t we just were SUPER CUTE?😊 Back to our current reality when going out is a big NO, NO. Oh well, such a strange and trying time for humanity. One way or another, most people are probably experiencing the impacts of this global pandemic by now. For those who know me, the isolation is not new to me. They may say that this is all easy for me. As an introvert, it’s really a no brainer as my daily routine hasn’t changed much. I work remotely and enjoy most of my free time reading or binging on fav shows or tinkering on stuff collated thru the ages. I’m honestly doing my best in keeping my spirits up while staying grounded and mindful amidst all the growing anxiety and unpredictability around me. Yet, these are hard times for most. Some who already lost loved ones who succumbed to the virus. Some who constantly feels anxious because someone they know or they themselves are fighting the invisible enemy. Those who are struggling to buy even the basic necessities. Those who are having personal struggles. My heart truly goes out to each and every one. Hang on, the validity is no question and an open mind and sympathetic set of ears are what someone might just need. Seek them. So, contrary to my earlier rhetoric, we may well take advantage of the digital world we are in now to connect with dear family and friends. Distract yourself, get a load of indoor pastimes or do something productive around the house that you’ve been delaying for quite some time now. And if you are a believer, pray harder. Here’s me wishing everybody still uninfected now will beat all the odds and stay safe and healthy. Kindly resort to science and reliable sources to inform yourself. Let’s stay home and keep sane as we ride out this virus to its (hopefully) sooner than later adieu. Each of us may very well be saving a life by simply practicing social distancing. Let’s take this event as a challenge like we are just trying to adapt a lifestyle change. You’ll never know until you try and see the silver lining that may change your perspective. Get reacquainted with life’s simple pleasures…like looking at an old photograph 😉 I genuinely believe that the struggles we face are also nature’s way to make us grow, hence, we will come out of this better and stronger than ever.

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