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Ay Amor!

I Corinthians 13 may tell us the whole gist of what it should be. And that kind of love encompasses every kind of relationship there is, be it romantic or brotherly; or something as simple as a mother’s love for her child. In my years of existence on this world, I can only think of Mother Theresa with such. Unconditional love can really conquer all. Quite untamed, that love. We can all ask questions but we’ll never know when nor where; how nor why; how much more with whom. It just springs…inside the heart for the total sentimental or from the hypothalamus of the brain for the scientific lovers. Sometimes, love can be painful. When you learn that you will never be enough for them, maybe unconditional love can be measured by letting them be happy without you. Not expecting anything in return with only their satisfaction placed in higher regard that yours. But then again, some others are not thrilled with unrequited love. However it may be, that feeling of loving someone or being loved is amazingly one of the best reasons in life that you can find yourself truly H-A-P-P-Y. …these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is… You know what 😉

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